Loretta Thai Boy Blog Post 1864

The March of Terror
By: Loretta Thai Boyd

After the end of the year 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg, is a Union victory that is now considered a turning point in the war. With the end of a successful year for the Union, 1864 is in high expectation in what to come, can 1864 best 1863.

With no doubt, Sherman’s men is ready to test the South’s water works. July 4, 1863, The Fall of Vicksburg, the Confederacy is now cut in haft. With that being said, Sherman’s mens decided to make the divide more exciting. Sherman’s men march through the Confederate destroying and stealing anything in their path. They destroy one of the few South’s major manufacture centers that supply the Southerner troops during the War, call Atlanta. Sherman’s March, crushed all Southerners hope for the upcoming president’s election, and the call for surrender.

Sherman said he wanted to “Make Georgia Howl,” he wanted to show the South whose stronger. We can all see that Sherman kept his word. With the South living in their worst nightmare, physically, emotionally, and mentally. What is the South and North next decision?


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