A letter Home 1864 (Scales)

Dear Sally,

  I have the greatest news! That man Grant has taken command of the Union Army, I know he can lead us to success. However, I heard from the other men that General Grant received a position as lieutenant General days before. I also heard that that's the reason why he didn't attended Washington. I can't believe that sad of a man McClellan ran for president against Lincoln, he knew he was gonna loose right? Lincoln was re-elected, that's good news. I heard he received 212 electoral votes, that's amazing. How are things back home? Are people protesting Lincoln's re-election? I am excited to go back to battle, but, I do hope this ends soon. The South needs to figure out that they are at the wrong. You know, their are many people fighting for the end of slavery, and the rights are blacks. I thought many people would fight to make The United States united again, but I forgot there was many more. I love how every boy in this war is very passionate, of course, they aren't as passionate as me.This is all for now dear, until next time.

Alfred Scales


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