McCooks Journal Entry
Journal Entry
November 3, 1861
starting with Lincoln asking 75,000 people to join his army and the first casualties occurring in the city of Baltimore, I'll say that so far this year has been mildly filled with engaging events. For example, near the end of July and a couple miles from our capital of Washington D.C., the confederate and the union had their first major battle of the civil war at Bull Run but sadly the Confederate took victory over us which made me think that this war might be much more difficult then i thought. Weeks pass and congress decides to create a new act known as the first income tax in our history. This was a great move by congress because this meant that this would fix some of the tax problems we had and this also made it that the government could raise and gain money which I hope they could use to supply their troops so they can defeat the confederacy and bring them back into the Union. Another thing to mention is that this new tax law was heavily needed because since we're at war, after the war we're gonna be in debt and this money can pay off the debt. Lastly before I finish writing this, one major event that's happened in this time span is, General McClellan becomes the new army chief which cold bring some shining light into the union that we need and I have very high expectations for General McClellan because from what I've heard he is very youthful, self contained and vigorous which is something we need in a general. Hopefully I can remain alive to write another Journal entry but I can't keep any promises, until next time.
November 3, 1861
starting with Lincoln asking 75,000 people to join his army and the first casualties occurring in the city of Baltimore, I'll say that so far this year has been mildly filled with engaging events. For example, near the end of July and a couple miles from our capital of Washington D.C., the confederate and the union had their first major battle of the civil war at Bull Run but sadly the Confederate took victory over us which made me think that this war might be much more difficult then i thought. Weeks pass and congress decides to create a new act known as the first income tax in our history. This was a great move by congress because this meant that this would fix some of the tax problems we had and this also made it that the government could raise and gain money which I hope they could use to supply their troops so they can defeat the confederacy and bring them back into the Union. Another thing to mention is that this new tax law was heavily needed because since we're at war, after the war we're gonna be in debt and this money can pay off the debt. Lastly before I finish writing this, one major event that's happened in this time span is, General McClellan becomes the new army chief which cold bring some shining light into the union that we need and I have very high expectations for General McClellan because from what I've heard he is very youthful, self contained and vigorous which is something we need in a general. Hopefully I can remain alive to write another Journal entry but I can't keep any promises, until next time.
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